Why Hire a Professional?
“I can do it!”
“My friend is really good at makeup/hair.”
“I am already spending so much!”
First of all, getting your hair and makeup done is such a treat. It makes you feel like you are a celebrity!
But the question is, why hire a professional?
I am sure many of you have shared your makeup with your friends, no big deal right? But have you ever thought about where the makeup is actually going? Around the eyes, lips and mouth… Do you know how easy it is to catch a cold sore, pink eye or contact dermatitis? Pretty easily if you were not trained in proper sanitation. I even read a story about a woman in Australia who contracted a staph infection from using her friends makeup and then became paralysed! You can read about that right here. Pretty scary right? As a professional, you are trained to keep proper sanitation to protect the health of your client. It is very important to us. We have the knowledge and equipment to do so.
Just like a snowflake, everyone is different. Even identical twins will have a slight difference, only their close friends and family will notice. As a professional makeup artist we have the skill set to work on various types of face shapes, textures and skin colors. We know what products will work better or the perfect color to compliment your eyes. Each product is not a “one size” fits all. With our large kits we can accommodate all. Just like with makeup, hair on everyone is very different. We can take the finest of hair and make it look full. The curliest hair to the smooth simple do. Hair down to your butt? I am sure your friend would have no idea how to hide all that hair without having a massive “thing” on the back of your head. We also know you have a pinterest boards full of different styles and we know exactly how to execute them.
Did you ever do your makeup and looked it awesome! Then someone takes a picture of you and you look like a ghost?! That is because of the SPF in your makeup or your moisturizer. Anything above a SPF 20 will create a white haze in photography. Professional makeup is HD ready. Meaning it will give you a perfect photo, every time! We know never to put sparkles in your hair, since they look like little bugs soon as the flash hits it. If some of the girls in the wedding party do not get services professionally done. They stick out like a sore thumb in pictures. Their skin isn’t as flawless, their cheeks are non-existent, and their hair looks dry and flat. For your makeup to photograph perfectly, you need to add a little more than what you are used to. Especially if you are having an evening wedding. I know sometimes it is hard to think about spending the extra money to get your makeup and hair done for your wedding. But think about it this way. The memories of your wedding day are going to be the picures. In your pictures it will be you standing next to your handsome husband, in your wedding dress with your hair and makeup done. That is what you will look back on years to come. I think the number one should be photographer, dress, makeup then hair. Everything else after that. Yes photographers are expensive, but the right ones are worth it. They have the eye to capture everything at the right moment. They know exactly what to look for. Not only are they there with you for 6+ hours. They have to look through thousands of pictures to find just the right ones. The right ones will bring you back to that very moment.
It is very important to hire LICENSED professionals. We go through extensive training and the best ones never stop learning. We have the skill set, the speed and knowledge to give you exactly the look you are wanting. On top if it all, we have the knowledge and understanding to keep you healthy and safe. We know exactly how to sanitize each brush, lipstick eyeliner or powder. Did you know in NYS it is illegal to charge for a makeup application if you are not licensed or certified? That means the lady selling makeup to you may not know the regulations or sanitation. Better to be safe than sorry right? Keep your stress level down, hire a professional.
While keeping you healthy, we will make you gorgeous! Not only are you worth it, but you will not regret it!
Better Selfies in 5 Steps
Have you ever wondered why some people take such amazing selfies and you just can’t figure it out?!
The above picture is my selfie with absolutely no filter or editing.
Want to know how? I have created 5 easy steps to get you there!!
Step One- Skin Prep
If you didn’t already know, you only get ONE skin in your entire life. If you want to maintain your youthful skin, better start taking care of it NOW! This means getting into a healthy skin care regime. Just like your hair, it’s what you wear everyday of your life. Yes facials are expensive, but estheticians can prescribe the best regime for your skin. Even if you see one 2 times a year and stop in every few months to stock up on your products. Not only do they prescribe the best products, they tell you exactly what to do. It is overwhelming walking into a drug store and guessing what lotions and face wash works best for you. A lot of the times we guess wrong, creating a bigger problem than we already have. Those products contain ingredients that can harm our skin even more. For example: St. Ives Apricot Scrub. I am sure you have all used it in some point in your lifetime. This scrub has very large exfoliators that go too deep in the skin leaving tiny scratches, making your skin look even drier. That’s where your esthetician steps in and shows you how to correct those problems, with MUCH better products. Did you know that it’s best to exfoliate in the morning? This helps to awaken the skin (I love Dermalogica’s Skin Prep Scrub that my esthetician Christina from Skintopia prescribed me). Can’t forget MOISTURE, MOISTURE and more MOISTURE! Not only applying moisturizer morning and night, but also drink a ton of water (I know I am guilty of not drinking enough)!! When we are dehydrated the skin on your face sees it first. The skin under our eyes are very thin, so when we are dehydrated the under eye circles appear much darker and the wrinkles on our skin look deeper. This skin prepping is very important in helping with your flawless makeup application.
Step Two- Product
After you have finished with your skin prep, it is now time to talk about the product that you are using. Here I will insert the line “You get what you pay for.” This is true, in so many ways. The proper foundation will look, feel and photograph beautifully. The products I swear by is, Mirabella Beauty’s Skin Tint Creme that is a water/gel formula (click here to match your foundation for the last time). Mirabella is a mineral based line that is gluten free, paraben free and talc free. Also non-comedogenic, meaning it is specially formulated to not clog pores. There are many lines out there that have amazing coverage and photograph beautiful. BUT, they may be causing you to break out! Not only does Skin Tint Creme feel lightweight, the coverage is amazing and it photographs perfectly. I use it on ALL my brides! It does not contain an SPF over 20. If it did, then when the flash or light hits, it creates a white haze or makes you look pale. It is also important after moisturizer to apply a primer (of course I am obsessed with Mirabella’s), it is the glue to keep your foundation on all day and helps the foundation apply evenly. Also when applying your makeup, keep in mind that cameras shows less of the makeup we see when we are applying it in our mirror. That means you need to add more! It may look like a smokey eye to you, then when you take a peek at your selfie it barely looks like you have anything on.
Step Three- Technique
After having the right products, it’s now time to get your technique right! When applying your foundation, I am sure most of you use your fingers, correct? Well, let me give you this visual. Say you were painting a room in your house. If you used your fingers what would it look like? Uneven and blotchy? What if you used a roller (similar to a sponge)? The roller absorbs most of the paint, right? But a brush has the most even strokes without over using products. Same idea as your face. A brush is going to give you the best results. I love Mac’s 109 brush to buff it into my skin to create that airbrush effect. Now when applying with a brush you have to pay attention to the texture of the skin. If you have peach fuzz, apply in the direction of the hair growth so you are not making it stick up and making it look more noticeable. When you have dry patches or pimples, you have to apply it over those areas in a patting motion so you are not disturbing the skin by swiping it. When you have large pores, take the brush in all different directions. This hits the whole wall of the pore, hiding it from view. Apply your powder the same technique as your foundation. After that, it is time to contour the face. No, you do not have to contour like Kim K. Just using bronzer and blush it will do the trick. Lastly, here are some techniques when applying eyeshadow. If you want a smokey eye, first rub a brown, grey or black eyeliner to the lid. This will give the darker shadows more depth and longevity. Also when applying shadows, first apply them with a dabbing motion then with a clean blender brush blend the shadow. If you are blending while applying them, you are just creating a mud of colors. Have a hooded eye? You feel like you apply all this eyeshadow, then you open your eye and it’s GONE! Hidden in the folds of your lid. Well, keep your eye open while applying it in the crease. This will give you a guide to show you how far up your crease you need to go. Love the waterline? Apply it to both top and bottom. Then apply an eyeshadow powder over. This will keep it lasting longer. Try Urban Decay’s Waterline Pencil. It works great and lasts longer than most. Now it’s time to practice. With these techniques, you’re even closer to your perfect selfie
Step Four- Angle
The perfect angle is KEY to a better selfie. Think of fun house mirrors and how it contorts your body in different directions just based on the angle of it. Same idea with the angle you are holding your camera. Above may make your forehead look bigger, low makes your nose and chin stand out but somewhere in between, is just perfect. It may take quite a few tries to figure out the right angle for your face shape. Round face is better to take from above. With a long face it is better to tilt your head slightly or if you have a heart shape try from a lower angle. Keep practicing, I am sure you will find it!
Step Five- Lighting
Lighting is the last step to a better selfie and the most important. Without proper lighting it could make or break your selfie. Ever wonder why when you are in the car, you take the best selfies? Especially on a cloudy day. It’s because natural light that is filtered through the clouds is the best lighting there is! Or indirect sunlight if you are standing towards a window. Direct sunlight is too harsh, making you squint and every flaw show. The filtered light softens but brightens the right areas. That is why you see professional lighting with an umbrella or those funny lookings reflectors they hold towards their models. So take a selfie by a window! If the sun is to bright try backing up or try a different window. When holding your phone in selfie mode, move from side to side and up and down, closer or farther from the window to see how it affects when way your makeup looks. Soon as you find the best lighting you will know! Your skin and makeup will look amazing! When I took the selfie that was at the beginning of this post, I was standing in a large window from my hotel room in San Diego and I used all the steps listed above to help me achieve it.
Keep practicing and you will find how to make your selfies better with these 5 easy steps!
Pro Vs OTC
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now…
How do we know the truth when all day, everyday we are faced with so much advertisement. Telling us how we should look and what we should use. Can I tell you the beauty industry is full of so much FALSE advertisements, especially the CONSUMER BASED (OTC) product lines. Use this and you will be skinny, use that and all your problems will be solved! I have even seen in a magazine (that you typically see on an airplane) saying, “If you take this pill your grey hair will be gone!” Really?!?!
Mascara advertisements use FALSE LASHES!
Makeup advertisements ARE ALL PHOTOSHOPPED and is NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL!
Store brand hair products are full of FILLERS, WAXES AND DANGEROUS INGREDIENTS!
The BIGGEST question I receive as a licensed professional is…
drum roll, please!
What store brand products can I buy?
So I decided to compare a PROFESSIONAL based product to an OTC (over the counter) based product. I found the ingredients list and then research each ingredient and what they are used for. I mostly used the Environmental Working Group’s website, WWW.EWG.ORG. This site told me what the ingredient is used for in the cosmetic industry, overall hazard and concern for cancer (and much more). I compared Alterna’s Caviar Moisture shampoo with Suave’s Deep moisture. At the very bottom of this blog, I will show you the list and what each ingredient is used for. Please pay attention to the order of each ingredient. The first listed will always be the most used and the last will be the least used.
So let the game begin!!!
Let’s start with price comparison.
The obvious winner will be SUAVE….
but you will always get what you pay for.
$32 vs $2
With the higher price point you know you will be able to get better quality ingredients. A higher percentage of those ingredients will be included in the product itself. Less fillers, waxes and a TON less build up! Many of you complain that your hair gets so greasy too quickly. Its because of all the additives store brands add to their products to make your hair feel soft. In reality, it’s not making your hair any healthier. Yes it seems like soooooo much more! But professional products are highly concentrated, that means a LITTLE goes a long way. If you feel like it does not suds as quick, NEVER add more product! Just add more water.
Think of it this way, you wear your hair everyday! So keep it healthy and looking beautiful.
PH level of hair care products are very important to you hair’s health, but also to long lasting color. Hair naturally has the PH of 4.5-5.5. So in order to keep it healthy, you want a shampoo that has the same PH level. It helps the hair to maintain it’s shine, protective barriers, and helps with tangling. Products with a higher PH level will cause the cuticle of the hair to swell, and removes all the natural oils. That is where you start to see dry, dull hair that breaks. And most importantly color that fades way to quickly! Caviar has a PH of 4.5-5.5 and Suave has the PH of 5-7.
So our winner in this category is CAVIAR!
At first glance, Caviar has a lot more ingredients then Suave. But there were a lot more that I could understand in Caviar’s. Both started with water. The next ingredients were emulsifiers (which just combine other ingredients together.) Caviar’s was a coconut based product and Suave used a sulfate. Sulfates are known to fade color a lot quicker.
Caviar contains 48 ingredients and Suave contains 22 ingredients.
Out of the 48 ingredients, 21 ingredients contained conditioning, anti-aging, and antioxidants. 10 of those ingredients were naturally occurring. Caviar’s fragrance was the last ingredient, meaning it was the least used. Only contained one ingredient (second to last) that had a moderate concern on EWG’ s site.
Out of the 22 ingredients, Suaves fragrance was the 7th ingredient. They contain only 5 conditioning ingredients, but none of them were natural. Contained 6 ingredients that were considered moderate, moderate to high or a moderate cancer causing concern. One of them being the 3rd ingredient.
I think this break down speaks for itself. Why not pay a little more to have better quality product? Especially one that does not include 6 questionable ingredients that may causes harm to you or your family!
So you can see why your hairstylists asks you what kind of products you are using and tries to offer you a better solution. No we are not trying to upsell you! We know your hair better than anyone, even you. We know which products to prescribe you and which ones you will benefit from. We trust our products and we will stand behind them. When you leave the salon your hair is full of shine and body. By the time your next appointment comes around, your hair is lackluster, dry and or maybe even breaking. Start investing in yourself, because you deserve to walk out of the house feeling and looking amazing like you did when you left the salon. We also carry budget friendly professional products. Please ask your hairstylist the next time you see them, what they would prescribe for you!
Below you will find the list of ingredients and what they are used for. Check out WWW.EWG.ORG’s site to see what the ingredients in your hair care products are meant for and what dangers they cause.
Caviar moisture shampoo
Water (Aqua)
Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate (coconut derived emulsifier),
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate (cleaning agent that is gentle to skin),
Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (A great alternative to Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This product is derived from coconut and palm oils, and conforms to Ecocert’s natural and organic cosmetic standard and is 100% of natural origin),
Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine (is a soap-like, yellow liquid, which is made by blending raw coconut oil with a naturally-derived chemical ),
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate (foaming agent (produced by the breakdown of creatine or caffeine), a modified fatty acid ,
Cocamidopropylamine Oxide (tertiary amine oxide which functions as a hair-conditioning agent and as a surfactant ),
Methyl Gluceth-20 (water soluble emollient and humectant produced from Glucose and MethylAlcohol and originally derived from corn sugar and corn starch. It is a versatile, gentle, effective humectant, emollient, and foaming agent that imparts a smooth feel to the skin) ,
Glycol Distearate (chemical compound used as an emollient in cosmetics and other consumer products. It is the diester of ethylene glycol and stearic acid.),
Glycereth-26 is a glyceryl ester and is a multitudinous oil used in cosmetics as an emollient, lubricant, as well as a water-binding and thickening agent),
Algae Extract (nourishes the hair with vitamins and minerals. Also protects from antioxidant stress. Also helps to hydrate )
Amodimethicone (is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer. Helps the comb to glide throught the hair.)
Saccharomyces/Magnesium Ferment (antioxidant and is a yeast extract fermented in the presence of magnesium ions. )
Saccharomyces/Copper Ferment (minerals, in this case copper, are converted by a yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae into a bioavailable, low molecular weight glycopeptide. The yeast is then removed and the copper peptide can penetrate the skin. Stimulates healing and promotes collagen and elastin production.),
Saccharomyces/Iron Ferment (Saccharomyces/Iron Ferment is an extract of a fermentation proudct of saccharomyces in thepresence of iron ions. Skin conditioning),
Saccharomyces/Silicon Ferment (Extract of yeast fermented in the presence of silicon ions. Skin conditioning)
Saccharomyces/Zinc Ferment (is an extract of a fermentation product of saccharomyces in thepresence of zinc ions. Skin conditoning)
Phospholipids (naturally occurring complex lipids which contain glycerol, two fatty acids and a phosphate group. Phospholipids are the primary constituents of cell membranes. Skin conditioning.)
Soy Amino Acids (mixture of amino acids derived from the complete hydrolysis of soy protein. Hair and skin conditioning.)
Sodium Phytate, Polysilicone-15 (complex sodium salt of Phytic Acid. Chelating agent (chemical compounds (usually organic compounds) that form complexes with metal ions or other substrates.)
Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed) Seed Oil (pressed linseed oil is used for fragerence and conditioning.)
Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil (pressed from sunflower seed for conditioning)
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein PG-Propyl Silanetriol (siloxane polymer made from vegetables, used for conditioning)
Glycerin (naturally occurring alcohol compound found in many lipids. Aids in conditioning, surfactant and fragrance.)
Laureth-9 (alcohol that aids as a surfactant)
Caviar Extract Very rich in vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B6 and micro-elements Co, Cu, P, Si, Zn as well as amino acids. Slows down the aging process and also aids in repair and conditioning)
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter (is a vegetable fat. Viscosity controlling and skin conditioning)
Ascorbic Acid (viatmin c) (Antioxidant; Fragrance Ingredient; pH Adjuster; Skin-Conditioning Agent – Miscellaneous; BUFFERING; MASKING; SKIN CONDITIONING)
Superoxide Dismutase (is a mixture of metaloenzymes found in aerobic cells. Reducing Agent; Skin-Conditioning Agent – Miscellaneous; ANTIOXIDANT; SKIN CONDITIONING)
Polyquaternium-10 (is a synthetic polymeric. Antistatic Agent; Film Former; Hair Fixative)
Trideceth-12 (is the polyethylene glycol ether of a long fatty alcohol, tridecyl alcohol; used as a surfactant. )
Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E) (Antioxidant and skin conditioning)
C12-13 Pareth-3 (is a polyethylene glycol ether of a mixture of synthetic C12-13 fatty alcoholswith an average of 3 moles of ethylene oxide. Which is a surfactant)
C12-13 Pareth-23 (C12-13 Pareth-23 is a polyethylene glycol ether of a mixture of synthetic C12-13 alcohols withan average of 23 moles of ethylene oxide. Cleansing and surfactant)
Divinyldimethicone/Dimethicone Copolymer (polymer that is skin conditioning)
C11-15 Pareth-7 (Made from a synthetic mixture of Polyethylene glycol and Fatty alcohols. The higher the number, the thicker it is. Used to keep product from separating into its oil and water components. Surfactant)
Butylene Glycol (is a chemical compound (1,3-butanediol)—a colorless organic alcohol used in the following ways: as a solvent (helps other products dissolve in water), as a viscosity-decreasing agent (to thin creams and gels so they’re easier to use), and as a conditioning agent.)
Polyquaternium-7 (synthetic polymer. Antistatic agent)
Decyl Glucoside (glucose based surfactant that aids in conditioning)
Acrylates Copolymer (Acrylates copolymer is composed of acrylic acid and methacrylic acid building blocks. Hair Fixative; Suspending Agent -Nonsurfactant; ANTISTATIC; BINDING; FILM FORMING)
Dihydroxypropyl PEG-5 Linoleammonium Chloride (quaternary ammonium salt. Antistatic and hair conditioning)
Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride (quaternary ammonium derivative of guar gum; used in hair conditioning products. Antistatic, hair conditioning, and viscosity controlling)
Citric Acid (alpha hydroxy acid. PH adjuster and fragrance.)
Disodium EDTA (decrease the reactivity of metal ions that may be present in a product. Viscosity controlling agent.)
Aminomethyl Propanol (buffering agent to adjust ph level)
Phenoxyethanol (preservative and fragrance.)
Methylisothiazolinone (perservative) (mod conern)
Fragrance (Parfum) (adds pleasant smell to products.)
Sauve moisture
Sodium Laureth Sulfate (ingredient derived from ethoxylated lauryl alcohol and used as a surfactant; may be contaminated with potentially toxic manufacturing impurities such as 1,4-dioxane. Surfactant and cleansing)
Cocamidopropyl Betaine (is a synthetic surfactant; it has been associated with irritation and allergic contact dermatitis, reactions that could be due to the ingredient itself or to impurities present in it, such as 3-dimethylaminopropylamine. Antistatic, conditioning and surfactant) (mod concern)
Sodium Chloride (inorganic salt (also called table salt). Viscosity increasing agent)
Glycerin (naturally occurring alcohol compound found in many lipids. Aids in conditioning, surfactant and fragrance.)
Dimethiconol (silicone based polymer. Antifoaming and hair conditioning)
Fragrance (adds a pleasant smell to product)
Carbomer (chemical compound used for a stabilizer)
Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride (quaternary ammonium derivative of guar gum. Antistatic)
TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate (aromatic compound used for cleansing)
PPG 9 (polymer used for conditioning)
Tetrasodium EDTA (is a chelating agent, used to sequester and decrease the reactivity of metal ions that may be present in a product. )
TEA Sulfate (triethanolamine salt of lauryl sulfuric acid. Surfactant) (mod concern)
DMDM Hydantoin (is an antimicrobial formaldehyde releaser preservative. People exposed to such formaldehyde-releasing ingredients may develop a formaldehyde allergy or an allergy to the ingredient itself and its decomposition products. In the U.S., approximately 20% of cosmetics and personal care products contain a formaldehyde-releaser and the frequency of contact allergy to these ingredients is much higher among Americans compared to studies in Europe. Perservative) (mod to high concern)
Citric Acid (alpha hydroxy acid. PH adjuster and fragrance.)
PEG 45M (polymer of ethylene oxide. binder)
Hydrolyzed Keratin (hyrdoslate of keratin, derived by acid. conditioning)
Panthenol (Panthenol is a form of vitamin B5, used as a moisturizer and lubricating compound. This ingredient is listed in the PETA’s Caring Consumer guide as a substance that can be of either animal or plant origin. Antistatic and hair conditioning)
Methylchloroisothiazolinone (widely-used preservative; has been associated with allergic reactions.) (mod to high concern)
Methylisothiazolinone (is a widely-used preservative; has been associated with allergic reactions. Lab studies on the brain cells of mammals also suggest that methylisothiazolinone may be neurotoxic. ) (mod to high concern)
Mica (CI 77019) (highly brittle silicate minerals with diverse chemical composition; typically used as a colorant. )
Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891) Titanium dioxide is an inorganic compound used in a range of body care products such as sunscreens and makeup. It appears to have low skin penetration but inhalation is a concern. (mod concern for cancer causing)
Upgrade Your Styling Tools
Ever wonder why your hair dries faster and smoother at the salon?!
Why are your spending FORR-EVVV-ERRRR (in sandlot voice) styling your hair?!
And why your hair feels so dry and damaged?!
This past summer I took a trip to Las Vegas. I chose not to bring my blow dryer, in exchange to fit more clothes in my bag! Well, being a hairstylist for almost 10 years, I haven’t use non-professional dryer since then.
Yes, I always knew professional styling tools were better. But not having used a non-professional dryer in that amount of time, gave me an eye opening experience. Now I know why my clients hair is never as smooth, why it is drier and why they complain it takes forever to dry their hair! Because I experienced all of that using this cheap, low wattage dryer with no concentrator. I can’t believe how long it took to dry my hair. Even with professional products, my hair was no where close to smooth. So I wanted to break down the reasons why professional tools are better.
Let’s start with the blow drier…
There are so many options!
Where do you start?!
The material the dyer uses is one of the most important.
Cheaper dryers typically use plastic or cheap metal. These burn at a high uneven temperature causing the hair to become damaged and takes longer to dry. They also do not have longevity and tend to break faster. Meaning buying new driers more frequently.
Ceramic is a composite material. It creates an infrared heat, meaning it heats evenly. Keeping the condition of the hair, smoothing and drying faster.
Tourmaline is a gemstone that emits negative ions. Negative ions keeps the hair smooth, reduces static and keeps moisture in the hair. Also dries the hair 40% faster. Positive ions makes the hair frizzy, dull and unhealthy. Which would be found in plastic or metal dryers.
When using the dryer from Vegas, the motor is the first thing I noticed. I could tell it was not working like it should. I could hear it not blowing unevenly, thus taking longer to dry. It was not strong at all! It was only 1600 watts. Professional dryers are 2000 watts. BIG difference.
I am sure most of you have no idea what it is meant for, so you tossed it in the trash or tried using it with no luck! Concentrator does exactly that, concentrates the the hair in one direction, to keep the hair smooth. Also it protects your hair for the heating coils inside the dyer as well. It may takes some time to get used to, but keep trying!
“You get what you pay for!”
Yes, professional products and tools are more expensive. But they are for a reason. Better quality and engineering. You may spend more up front, but you will not have to replace it as frequent and less time spent styling your hair! You will have more time to thumb threw Facebook or maybe finally get to that pile of laundry. And have great, shiny healthy hair while doing it!
Our favorite blow dryer….
(Which I have had for about 6 years and Ferrari designed the “engine”)
The Daily Dry Shampooer
Dear the busy mom, the boss ladies and the ladies with more hair then god,
I know soon as you wake, you reach for the bottle of dry shampoo. It cuts so much time off your morning routine! I mean, who has time to wash their hair EVERY DAY?! You literally could pat your head and see the little smoke rising up, lol. You know its true! Whatever brand you choose, which ever one you loath or love. Here are some tips to keep your scalp and hair healthy in between washes.
The right way to use dry shampoo…
Yes there is a right and wrong way to use it. You have to shake the bottle vigorously and in between sprays! Spray the hair in sections, 6 to 8 inches away, mush it all with your fingers then give it time to sit to absorb all the oils/dirt. About 10 minutes. After, brush your hair well, this is also important for your scalp. Then style. Round brushing it with your blow drier will give your hair more volume and remove more oil/dirt.
Don’t forget about your ends…
As the days go by, your ends get drier and drier. Think of your ends as a root to a plant, they get thirsty. All the moisture/oil are staying at your hair roots and your ends aren’t getting anything! You should be using a light oil to keep them hydrated, healthy and shiny. We love Bain De Terre’s Recovery Complex. This oil is light weight, clear (so it doesnt’t turn blondes yellow), and your hair loves it! It will quickly absorb into the hair and you can keep layering it on. Even the finest of hair love it (trust us, Bridget’s fine hair can’t get enough)!
Only shampooing once?!
3 to 5+ days have gone by. Its finally time to mentally prepare yourself to wash and style your hair. You think washing it once is actually cleaning it? NOPE! Use this guide: how many days have passed, is how many times the hair should be washed. Don’t forget to scrub your scalp!!! Think about all the layers of dry shampoo you have on it…. LAYERSSSSSSSSSS. Honey, you need to wash that scalp/hair more then once! Invest in a good clarifying or detox shampoo. We love Color Proof’s Detox Shampoo. Won’t strip out color, only removes build up. If using a toning shampoo, make that one your last shampoo.
That’s right! Your hair is flammable with all that dry shampoo in it. So stay away from flames! Most dry shampoos have ingredients like, liquefied petroleum gas and denature alcohol.